Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wednesday 14th May

Today, I woke up feeling very tired and having a headache. Had many late nights so i guess it accumulates to this tiredness. I hope to actually sleep less though, 6 hours is enough if I can, but given the work load and stuffs, I seem to need more time adjusting.

Hope to have more energy to work, serve, minister, and study. Time is precious....and rest too... but I would like to have the energy to work fast and hard and then the time to rest and play. And not when it is time to work... some days feeln tired, time to rest.... cant sleep or mind still thinking of things.

Had an MC today, rested at home since it was raining very heavily... kind of bored..

I love exploring new ideas and new things but also learnt how to go to the Lord and enjoy Him.

Thats what I did yesterday night... put aside all the voices and noises of the day and went with no agenda to the Lord.... I felt like that moment was spent in eternal heaven.

I received a deeper insight as I was meditating on James chapter 1 that one must not be too engrossed in the worries and concerns of one's heart but actively go to the Lord, presenting it to the Lord through prayers. The Lord can move the mountains and provide the solution to any problems. He alone gives the ability and open the doors to blessings and rest.

I am practicing that now... asking God of anything, if a solution is needed, ask God for one, if a mountain needs to be moved, ask God to move it, if you need provisions, ask God to provide... cos i realised that God being God loves to give out of His glorious riches. Philippians 4:19.

If you need prayers, drop a comment here and I will pray for you.

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