Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My Day Today!

Today I had a good but tiring day. Slept late last night as i had finished a conference call at around 930pm, then had a chat with my good friend.

Woke up early today to reach work before 730am. Was feeling sleepy all day, after work, went for G12 group which i enjoyed very much.

I learnt something today..... something which i believed in all the while. I believed that if we asked ourselves this question "What would you really like to do if you have nothing to worry about? "

Now i am not referring to something that is unrealistic, but practically, if you can do something to change/add on your way of life now.... what would you do?

You know more and more I am asking myself am I having a lid over my head that contains who I really am and meant to be? Maybe the lid is slowly opening up for me.... maybe I am beginning to see it.

I enjoy freedom and like it that way. The kind of freedom within proper boudaries... I enjoy good relationships.... I enjoy fun trips... challenging and engaging situations, do new things.... =)

I find relationships more important than measuring results. I agree with proper measurements to achieve objectives.... but sometimes our relationships are just reduced to what you are worth... and the level of communication reduced to what should and should not be done....

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