Today was yet another fast paced but fulfilling day. I went to work early today for a US conference call, then took a cab to another location to conduct training. It all went on very well and smooth, Praise the Lord. I did not manage to do the work that i planned to do today as i was caught up with other things, so have to make up for it during the weekend. Intended to take the 730pm bus home but somehow i missed it. So i caught the 815pm bus home instead. Had my favourite minced pork with potatoes, soup and rice for dinner.
Then konked off on my bed. Woke up 10mins later when my Dad said "Wah Singapore experienced Hail today. " I woke up saying to my Dad "yea... experienced it when i was in Secondary School, this is not the first time".
Reflections on SuccessThe Lord gives success... Success comes from the Lord Almighty... it doesnt matter if you are not good at speaking , a strong leader, someone who is popular... but as you look to God... God will give you success.
Just look at Abraham... He was practically a nobody.... fearful of man.... but the Lord made him very wealthy and powerful that Leaders of the land made peace treaty with him saying.... "We seen how the Lord was with you... now let's be nice to each other okay?".
Look at Joseph..... sold as a slave... no good education..... no strong backing from friends or family.... not really the smartest person around... but when the Lord was with him, he practically prospered whereever he went. And eventually was made the 2nd in Command in the most powerful country of his time.
Benny Hinn was a stutterer, now a healing evangelist mightily used by God..... Joyce Meyer was a woman with very low self-esteem and bullied by man, now has over 2 billion viewers on her TV show... Robb Thompson was from a mental asylum ... now a leading pastor speaking to diplomats and senators in America and a very well travelled speaker... Ravi Zacharias wanted to end his life.... now a very famous and reputable international Apologist, Billy Graham.... a man whom others said that preaching is not the career he should take is now the man that God has used to bring millions to Himself.... and the list goes on.... and on...
What about you? What about me? Are we going to believe God? Or are we going to believe in ourselves?
It's not about our qualifications or our abilities.... But God and God alone who can raise a man and bring down another.
Glory to God!