Sunday, August 17, 2008

Team - Learn to Complement One Another

I found that when working in a Team, more often than not, people do have to learn to work with each other, whose working style and behaviours may be different.

If we approach an objective without understanding this fundamental principle that different people will have different working styles and leadership, we may end up having conflicts and problems with our relationships.

Working as a team does not just mean each person does his own job and the team will unite and look good. Of course that is important and the most primary thing to do, but what is most important is that we don't just do what we need to do but we also learn to complement one another by being the strength in each other's weakness and encourage one another as a process. Pointing fingers when things go wrong is definitely the worst thign to do in any case.

Let me give us an example to illustrate this principle.

Say for example, you are leading a group at Sunday School and you are the Teacher of the group. Your Programme IC goes to the front of the crowd and speaks to them regarding some activities coming up 2 weeks from now.

Seeing that he/she does not have the ability to "Ra Ra" the crowd, you know that the crowd is getting bored and not paying attention.

Situation : Your Programme IC is not very familiar with working with your crowd's age group and does not know how to communicate effectively. He/she has something to say but does not know how to brings it across effectively.

What do you do?
1) Allow things to go on as per normal or 2) Politely come and grab the crowd's attention, helping your team member to speak more effectively to them

In doing this, you complement one another. 1st in you helping your teamate to deliver his/her message more effectively by being that "RaRa" player and 2nd by allowing the crowd to see that you both are in it together.

Rather than sitting at the side and allowing your teammate to carry on in an ineffective way, you read the situation and comes in to work things out.

By complementing each other, a strong team will be forged. You look good when you all look good together.

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