Today I finally decided to use the bicycle that is parked in my living for the past 8 months. Finally, today is the first time my bike gets to meet the road for real.
I spent 2 hours biking today.... travelling from home to east coast hawker center... then all the way down to Macdonald's and then back again to the hawker. Then went home. Phew! It was terrific.... havent been exercising for a long time now and it just feels so good!
Spent less than 1 hour konking off on my bed.
When i woke up, i decided to plug into my Creative 5.1 sound system.
I have been trying to plug my IRiver(MP3) into this creative sound system but haven't been successful for the past few times. However today, after praying to God, it worked! I spent the entire afternoon listening to my favourite songs.. Bryan Adams, Jay Chou..., Micheal Buble, Bon Jovi... Praise the Lord!
Going for Dinner together with my family. Havent always had the chance to eat with my parents.... so happy to be able to do it today. We ate Claypot rice at Geylang, then drove to Geylang Serai to buy fruits.
What a beautiful day!
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